Science* Has Worked Out Exactly When You’re Going To Go Grey

God help us all - the latest study says you'll go grey by 27, or stave it off until your mid 30s depending on your job. Yes, your job. *Not real science


by Stevie Martin |
Published on

Grains of salt at the ready, guys, science is at it again! This time, it's telling you that you'll probably go grey when you're 33 years old, but it all depends on a) your hair colour b) how tired you are and c) your... job. Yep, a new study professes to predict when women will go grey on the basis of their career choices, and it's released by Charles Worthington in conjunction with a new anti grey-hair product, of course.

But what job will supposedly ward off the dreaded greys?

Working in a call centre. If you hit the phones all day, you're more like to go grey in your mid-thirties, whereas women working in the entertainment industries are winning the silver fox race (not a real race) and spotting greys at just 27 years-old.

Fatigue is the key point to tired (read: grey) hair; if you work late nights and don't get enough sleep, your hair will start to react accordingly, but different natural hair colours will also slow down or speed up the follicle-ageing process. Redheads start to spot their first steely strands, on average, at 30; brunettes at 32; and blondes at 35 (probably because grey hair doesn't show up in light-coloured hair), but wait, there's more from where that whoppingly accurate hair-science came from.

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One in three women apparently feels bad about going grey! They feel instantly old and embarrassed! Whoa how surprising considering the amount of female role models under 50 who embrace their grey ha – oh, wait. Apart from Judi Dench and Helen Mirren, there are next to no women admitting they've gone grey, so it's not shocking that the (anti-greying, hair product-based) survey says 88% of women who find a grey will reach for the dye immediately lest someone see it and lock them away, declaring them unfit for work and/or socialising.

Happily, a quarter of women found that grey hair showed wisdom, and were proud of their new colour. But unhappily, that means three quarters feel they should hide away like something awful has happened when, in reality, it's just a bit of grey hair.

We should wear it loud and proud! Or, failing that, all get jobs in call centres.

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Follow Stevie Martin on Twitter: @5tevieM

This article originally appeared on The Debrief.

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